We present to you the Aqua mini. A superior product designed inside and out. Made to the highest standards for the best customer experience..

Aqua mini features a 1.9 inch thin uni-body enclosure, carved from a single solid block of aluminium. Created by computer controlled CNC for numerical engineering precision. Inside and out we make use of environmentally friendly materials to minimize the environmental footprint. You have never seen an aquarium light like quite like this one, built to make any aquarium owner proud.
The Aqua mini features 2 smart touch buttons. One for white, one for blue they are used to control on/off operation of each color channel.

We built the power supply right inside the Aqua mini, there is no bulky brick and fewer cables to connect. A removable panel at the bottom makes cleaning inside completely painless. Once you're inside you will see how clean and organized the Aqua mini is. It also features a ultra silent cooling fan that you will barely hear when running.